Ecto From Source ================ Ecto is built using `catkin`_. Although it is the build tool favoured to build ROS packages, it is also perfectly usable for a large suite of interdependent non-ros packages. It is in large part a cmake/setuptools wrapper, so familiarity with these tools makes the jump to catkin not so large. .. _`catkin`: The instructions below assume an ubuntu system and use of the fundamental catkin tools. Dependencies ------------ On ubuntu its simple.... .. code-block:: sh sudo apt-get install libboost-python-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-system-dev \ libboost-thread-dev python-setuptools python-gobject python-gtk2 graphviz doxygen \ python-sphinx For catkin and it's tools : .. code-block:: sh sudo apt-get install python-catkin-pkg ros-indigo-catkin Building -------- .. code-block:: bash source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash mkdir -p ecto_ws/src cd ecto_ws/src catkin_init_workspace git clone cd .. catkin_make Running ------- Now you have a working build of ecto! You should try to run a test. .. code-block:: sh cd ecto_ws # add ecto to your python path . devel/setup.bash python src/ecto/samples/ You should see the following outputish: :: digraph G { graph [rankdir=TB, ranksep=1] edge [labelfontsize=8] 0[label="hello_ecto::Reader"]; 1[label="hello_ecto::Printer"]; 2[label="hello_ecto::Printer"]; 0->1 [headlabel="str" taillabel="output"]; 0->2 [headlabel="str" taillabel="output"]; } Enter input, q to quit hello there ecto q hello hello there there ecto ecto q q Install ------- You may install ecto using the following: .. code-block:: sh cd build sudo make install sudo ldconfig This will install ecto to the appropriate system paths. If built with catkin_make, it wil by default put the resulting install space in `ecto_ws/install`. You can modify `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` to redirect it: .. code-block:: sh cd ecto_ws rm -rf build devel catkin_make -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local Ecto deliverables get installed in the following locations: .. code-block:: sh CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/include/ecto-VERSION/ CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/share/ecto-VERSION/ CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib/python*/dist-packages/ Docs ---- Docs may be generated from the source in the following manner. .. code-block:: sh cd build make sphinx-doc # for sphinx (prefer this for usage docs) make doxygen # for c++ api docs ccmake . # edit doc options. Tests ----- .. code-block:: sh cd build make test or .. code-block:: sh cd build ctest -V Building Additional Ecto Repos ------------------------------ Build up your workspace with additional repos. Make sure system dependencies are installed (manually or via rosdep) before building. Some other officially supported ecto repositories include: * git clone * git clone * git clone * git clone * git clone * git clone Alternative Build - Pure Catkin/CMake Style ------------------------------------------- The preceding instructions utilise the typical tools made available through ROS. You can instead prefer an almost pure catkin/cmake approach (sans the `ros-indigo-catkin` deb): .. code-block:: bash mkdir -p ecto_ws/src && cd ecto_ws/src git clone git clone ln -s catkin/cmake/toplevel.cmake CMakeLists.txt cd .. mkdir build cd build cmake ../src make -j5 make install # source the environment, get ready to run! source devel/setup.bash