.. _ecto_ros: ecto_ros: ROS Integration & Bagfile Support =========================================== ``ecto_ros`` contains publishers, subscribers, bag readers and bag writers for many common ROS message types. You can place subscribers as the inputs to your graph and publishers at the outputs, using converter cells as necessary (for instance, to get from Image messages to ``cv::Mat`` objects). .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 ecto_ros std_msgs sensor_msgs geometry_msgs nav_msgs .. index:: :double: Remapping; ROS topics Remapping of ros topics ----------------------- .. highlight:: py ROS topic remapping works much like it does anywhere else. Ecto scripts that contain ROS nodes will contain the line:: ecto_ros.init(sys.argv, "extract_largest_cluster") which will do remapping as expect in ROSland. So an example of commandline remapping would be: .. highlight:: ectosh :: ./my_script.py /input:=/camera/rgb/image